Sentiment Analysis
Learn How Your Customers Really Feel
From customer feedback and reviews to overall market sentiment, it’s critical that your business understands how people really feel about your products, services, marketing campaigns and even competitors, so that you can react quickly. Helping you effectively and efficiently analyze customer feedback at scale, InfoNgen’s sentiment index tool is a proven indicator of the attitude and emotional tone of customer feedback or consumer-generated content.
Unlock More In-Depth Sentiment Analysis With InfoNgen
Most sentiment extraction engines attempt to identify the sentiment polarity of a whole document or an entire piece of content. Going beyond just the basic sentiment of "positive" or "negative," InfoNgen can automatically tell you how your customers feel about not only an entity as a whole, but also its unique attributes and features. Here’s an example:
Just like in the example below, you can extract consumer sentiment on any number of companies or products covered in InfoNgen’s vast array of public and private content sources. Beyond broad sentiment, you can also learn how the wider community feels about attributes like revenue, stock prices, sales and marketing campaigns.